Learn How to Build the Life of Your Dreams

Luis Scott’s B00ks
Teach You How

King of growth

How to Dominate Your Market, Increase Predictability, and Unleash the Power of Your
Law Firm for Personal and Financial Freedom

There are 1.3 million lawyers in the United States. And many of them want to have a thriving law business but don’t know how. The space has become more competitive than ever. In the last few years, dozens upon dozens of lawyers have gone out on their own to try their hand at this game of law. With new ways to market, especially on social media, it has become much easier for people with no budget to market themselves successfully.

King of growth 2nd Edition

How to Dominate Your Market, Increase Predictability, and Unleash the Power of Your
Law Firm for Personal and Financial Freedom

There are 1.3 million lawyers in the United States. And many of them want to have a thriving law business but don’t know how. The space has become more competitive than ever. In the last few years, dozens upon dozens of lawyers have gone out on their own to try their hand at this game of law. With new ways to market, especially on social media, it has become much easier for people with no budget to market themselves successfully.

KOG 2nd Edition

It Has to Hurt

Accepting Life’s Harsh Reality, Finding
Yourself Along the Way, and Enjoying
the Journey

Life is full of hardship. The question is: Are you willing to stand firm in knowing who you are so you can cope with the problems in your life? Are you willing to believe that you were made for more? Are you willing to accept that you have something to contribute to this world no matter how hard it may get?
If so, this book will help you form a strategy to do just that. It will help you identify who you are so you can engage in your true passion and develop a legacy that will impact people for generations to come. Because when you operate in your true light, it radiates to other people.

The 8 Figure Law Practice

The 8 Figure Law Firm

9 Proven Principles to Achieve
Exponential Growth

This book is for any law firm owner or future law firm owner struggling to launch their firm. I don’t just mean to start their firm. I mean a person that has a firm and has not been able to experience explosive growth in their business or a person who has yet actually started a firm. You could be like I was and be generating revenues of $2-3 million without being able to take off. Or you could simply be working for someone hoping you could one day go out on your own. Either way, the principles I am about share will transform your law firm if you implement the strategies.


Why Clarity, Alignment and Trust
are The Pillars to Building a Team That Wins



How Love and Grace can Transform
Any Organization