Alex Morgan is the Co-founder and NLP Trainer at Athens NLP Studies, the number one NLP training company in Greece. As a master trainer of neurolinguistic programming, hypnosis, coaching, and Time Line TherapyTM techniques, he offers training courses and programs for CEOs, entrepreneurs, and salespeople to instill motivation in their personal and professional lives. Alex is the author of How To Let Go Of Negative Emotions and Pro Hypnosis Scripts.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Alex Morgan’s inspiration for pursuing hypnosis training
- How hypnosis helped Alex relinquish his victim mentality
- Reprogramming your mind to surrender limiting beliefs
- The correlation between self-confidence and business growth
- Methods for overcoming negative patterns
- Alex explains the hypnosis process
In this episode…
Many entrepreneurs hold limiting beliefs about their capabilities, especially regarding making money. This often stems from childhood memories they have internalized as unconscious emotions. How can you reprogram your mindset to unlock endless growth possibilities in your personal and professional life?
After facing significant heartbreak and debt, NLP coach Alex Morgan began leveraging hypnosis techniques to overcome his negative emotions. The first step to transforming your beliefs is to recognize and discover the source of your emotions. This includes identifying the associated behaviors and childhood events that precipitated them. Once you’ve processed these negative emotions, take action by incorporating and repeating healthy habits. For instance, if you’re struggling to attain the next stage of revenue growth, expand the boundaries of your goals to manifest positive results.
Listen to this episode of The Guts and Glory Show as Luis Scott sits down with Alex Morgan, the Co-founder of Athens NLP Studies, to discuss changing your perspective through NLP techniques. Alex explains the correlation between confidence and business growth, the hypnosis process, and how to overcome negative thought patterns.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- Luis Scott: Website | LinkedIn
- 8 Figure Firm
- Alex Morgan on LinkedIn | Instagram
- Alex Morgan’s email: Alex@athensnlp.com
- Athens NLP Studies
- How To Let Go Of Negative Emotions: A Masterful Guide To Achieving Long Lasting Success by Alex Morgan
- Pro Hypnosis Scripts: What Top Hypnotists Say to Create Change and Success by Alex Morgan
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This episode is brought to you by 8 Figure Firm.
Founded by Luis Scott, 8 Figure Firm helps transform your law firm into a seven-figure or even eight-figure firm.
After spending years searching for the ideal law firm consulting program, Luis started 8 Figure Firm to use his hands-on experience to help other law firms achieve exponential growth.
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Episode Transcript
Intro 0:01
Get ready to be amazed. Get ready to be transformed. Get ready to believe it is possible. You’re entering the growth zone on The Guts and Glory Show with your host Luis Scott.
Luis Scott 0:23
Guys, welcome to The Guts and Glory Show. I’m your host Luis and I am excited to have a guest on today. And as you know, this show is dedicated to helping you learn just a little bit more, so you can be bigger and better than you were before. And our guest today, Alex Morgan, and Alex is an author and certified check it out hypnosis trainer. And I’ve never had a guest like this before. So I’m really excited to discuss a little bit about the hypnosis thing, because I was a little I was a little queasy about it when I first heard about it. But I know the mind is super, super powerful. Alex, thanks for being on the show. Yeah, thanks
Alex Morgan 0:57
so much for having me, Luis, I’m really excited to talk about all of this. It’s really exciting for me as well.
Luis Scott 1:04
Well, I’m pumped, because, you know, I’ve come I have a mindset coach. And one of the things that we really focus on is this idea of unlocking the subconscious barriers that are in our mind, and the things that really prevent us from achieving, you know, greater levels. But before we get into that, I’m just curious, like, what made you get into hypnosis training, and what made you get into this, this mindset arena.
Alex Morgan 1:31
So back in 2017, I was I got out of a failed relationship. And I was going through some financial trouble, actually had to went through a bankruptcy at the time. And I realized that it was all my responsibility that all these things happened. So I was looking for something where I was like, Okay, I’ve taken responsibility. However, I still feel all these negative emotions, I’m scared, I’m anxious, I’m disappointed in myself. So what can I kind of do to, you know, change how I feel and change how I see things in the future. So I went onto Facebook, and I basically typed in like hypnosis trainer, NLP trainer, I found someone reached out and they were like, hey, it was August. And they were like, hey, what do you do in January, I was like nothing. And they’re like, Alright, then come to our training. And that was pretty much it. So I just kind of hit the ground running. And, you know, I look, that’s why I love it so much is because I know that it helped me. So as long as people are excited about it, and they want to change, it’ll work and they can really, truly achieve anything that they want. You
Luis Scott 2:43
know, it’s interesting that you talked about the this, I had to take responsibility that everything was was my my fault, or I don’t know if you said my fault, but like, at least my it was my responsibility. And I do find a lot of victim hood mentality when it comes to things that happen in our lives. How did hypnosis help you overcome that? What was it that? What did it do?
Alex Morgan 3:05
Well, I realize one of the first things I always teach in my trainings is like cause and effect. So you can either make excuses and be at effect and be pointing the finger literally at your mom, your dad, your brother, your boss, the government’s whoever, and you can point the finger and you can give your personal power to someone else, which sounds so silly, or you can choose to be a cause. And you could choose to, you know, get results. So I always tell people the first day for the rest of this training, or however long you want to play it, play this game, any time that you find your mind wandering and making an excuse or wanting to blame another person, you need to flip it really quick, get over to the side of cause because that’s where you take back your personal power, you have empowerment, and you can get results. So after a few weeks of playing this game, I mean, that’s pretty much it, you’re used to then only go in for results. Yes, people go through, you know, peaks and valleys and things like that. However, you can still have your mind right during these, you know, peaks and valleys and always go for results instead of making excuses. Or you can say reasons for why you’re not getting what you want. So there’s no point in doing that when you have other choices, in my opinion.
Luis Scott 4:24
Now, what about the situation because I’ve had as a consultant myself, I work with clients, and I’ve had people who go through very devastating things. From a business perspective. Maybe they have a bunch of employees leave or they have an employee who tries to sabotage their business or or maybe the leads are not coming in, they’re not getting the types of clients. How does a person switch their mindset in that environment where it does feel like there’s nothing that that I’ve done wrong to cause that what what is the mechanism for switching and Having the right perspective?
Alex Morgan 5:01
That’s a really good question. So I would say that a lot of our problems are things that do happen whether or not they’re our fault, or not in some way or another. They’re kind of a projection of possibly what we’re doing what we may be thinking, or seeing, it’s like we’re seeing our whole life as a mirror, outside of us. So if these things are happening, and we also have, let’s say, like negative feelings about it, then we can be pretty sure that it is a projection of us if it’s happening, and we’re like, hey, you know what? Screw it, I gotta take care of this. I’m digging deep, I’m doing this, then, you know, chances are, it’s not necessarily. It’s not necessarily a projection. But we also need to take action. So we need to be a lot of people they need to be consciously aware of, is this something that we maybe subconsciously or unconsciously created with our thoughts or emotions? Or in all of our past limiting beliefs and programs? Or is it something that other people are doing in either way, as the leader of the organization or the boss, whatever you want to say? We need to take care of it either way. So far, I would say that’s one thing to focus on is realizing what you can do. And did that come from you? Or, you know, either way, you just got to buckle down and do it.
Luis Scott 6:25
So it sounds like it sounds like maybe you’re not the cause of your employees leaving, maybe you’re not because of of you losing your your pipeline of clients, but something your subconscious believed that that was going to happen to you. And so you created an environment where they would leave you created an environment where you wouldn’t get clients. That’s a powerful realization, but also a really hard pill to swallow. So how do we, how do we change that? How do we like, reprogram ourselves? And because because I’m interested in this right, you know, I’ve had a pretty decent amount of success in my life. But sometimes I find myself asking what is the limiting belief that I have? That is preventing me from the next level? So how do we how do we reprogram ourselves once we’ve done this self discovery, to to not think that way? And to not have those? You said subconscious and unconscious thoughts? Like how do we reprogram ourselves?
Alex Morgan 7:21
Well, there’s a few different ways, and you touched on limiting beliefs. So I mean, most people, they’re all going to have the same sort of limiting beliefs, I’m not good enough. I don’t deserve it. I can’t make enough money. So these things, unfortunately, we took on these beliefs from when we’re like zero to seven, we soaked up everything like a sponge, were a little unconscious mind walking around. So once we realize it, then we think, okay, we can do something about it. The first thing that we need to think if I’m working with someone, at least when they are saying these things, I’m thinking, okay, are they feeling this like part of the time? Is it? Is it a part of them that doesn’t believe this? Or is it something that they fully believe all the time that they’re not good enough, because then it’ll determine what I’m going to actually do with them. So usually, a lot of times we, we unconsciously find that root cause that first event that it doesn’t mean that they did something, they could have just picked up on something somebody said, for let’s say, I don’t, I can’t make enough money. That could have been a little child in the living room watching TV, and the parents are arguing in the kitchen, that they don’t have enough money all the time to pay the bills. And unfortunately, now they think this. So we need to understand if we believe that all the time, and if we do we get rid of the limiting belief, if not, it could be a part of us. And the thing is, is when something is a part of us, it might have different beliefs and values that is driving this specific part, and it has a different behavior. So then we have so much inner conflict. So if we can get rid of either inner conflict, or this really ingrained belief, that’s the way to do it. And usually we get rid of the root cause of it. And that’ll string out all the all the events like on a gestalt line. And, you know, we don’t have negative feelings about this anymore. And it’s really freeing for us to rewrite the story for the future.
Luis Scott 9:24
So when you talk about that, we get rid of that, that that root cause what you’re saying is you don’t get rid of necessarily the memory, you get rid of the emotion attached to that memory. It reminds me of that movie Inside Out where the emotion attached to the event changed. And it changed the way that she perceived the things that were happening in her life. And that’s, that’s essentially what you’re saying, right? You’re going to take this negative emotion and you’re going to no longer assign it to that event, which means you’re going to be able to move past that subconscious unconscious belief But maybe I want maybe you can work on me here in a sec right now, right? So when I was growing up, my mom used to always say, Money doesn’t grow on trees. And I interpreted that to mean that it’s hard to make money. And I’ve kind of always had that belief. And now I’ve, again, I’ve become successful. But I feel like I’ve become successful on the back of just working extremely hard. 14 1516 hours. And the question is, how do I get rid of the mentality that I have to work so hard to make money? Like, work on me? How, what do I do in that scenario, where here I am about to be 42. And since I was 10 years old, I’ve heard Money doesn’t grow on trees. And I really believe it’s part of my subconscious. Like, what do I do?
Alex Morgan 10:49
Yeah, it definitely could be especially that’s the thing, we were so influenced by our parents, and everything was just fantastic. Because they also taught us so many wonderful things, as well. And they just didn’t realize they were saying certain things to us. So especially as you know, adults, anyone with children, it’s very important how you speak to your child, that’s not necessarily answering the question, but that’s a good point. The thing is, is that could basically be a belief as well, that, like, I have to work hard for money, or something like this. So we would explore this, or I would usually ask someone in this case, because I want to work with the highest level problem. There is. So if someone was like, Oh, I’m not good at dancing, it’s like, okay, well, is that really your belief? Or is it something much better, because we can get rid of I’m not good at dancing, or we can get rid of like, everything, and then dancing, and all these other beliefs come out. So I would probably ask, like, hey, you know, Luis, how is that a problem for you? And then you think about it and say, Well, you know, this, and then we chunk up just a bit higher, and see if there’s another limiting belief like over that. So once we got rid of that, it would essentially get rid of all the ones that are underneath it. So that’s, that’s probably one way that would be really effective to, to work with it. And then I would find out, it’s to me, it’s never enough just to get rid of the problem, then we need to find out like, what is it that you truly want now that this is gone, because you’re going to be thinking more clearly. And once you get rid of problems, the thing is, the negative emotions, like you said, are attached to them. Those negative emotions are not good for our body. So it’s causing other thoughts or stress or whatever it is, depending on the person anxiety. So once you get rid of those negative emotions, now you your mind is clear to be like, hey, I need to fill up my life with all this good stuff now. So what is it that I really want? That’s, that would be the kind of the two steps to go about it. So
Luis Scott 12:47
I could actually have a belief system, that is not even, it’s not even the root of my problem. It’s just, it’s just like the the noticeable symptom of the root of my problem, essentially, this mindset stuff is powerful. It is powerful. I mean, it’s just, it’s just wild. Now, talk to me about somebody that you’ve worked with that, that you’ve been able to help in business, because my listeners tend to be people who are wanting to grow their business. There’s somebody listening right now. And they’re saying, okay, great, I’m going to, you know, get rid of the emotions of my negative belief. And now I’m going to be more confident. Now, how does this help somebody in business? What, when they start really believing in themselves in their ability, how does that just bring in money? I mean, what happens there,
Alex Morgan 13:35
I see a lot of people in business that I’ve worked with they, it’s not that they have so much a problem with money, it’s that they get to like a certain revenue. And then it’s like, they’re banging on that door. It’s like they’re in a box, and they don’t know how to get out of it, and they can’t get past it. So if they work on themselves, the easiest way is to do the work. And it’s a lot easier than people think. And then once they kind of get past that barrier, whatever it is, I don’t even necessarily like to think of it like that I almost like to think of as we’re expanding past things. Because if we think barrier challenge, it presupposes that there’s tons of resistance. So why can’t we tell people, hey, just expand your boundaries on your revenue, or something like this. And two people who think positively they’re like, Hey, that’s pretty cool. Yeah, why not? Because if they think of it as a barrier, it’s going to be that much harder. So I mean, the benefits of that then if they’re, especially if they have a team, I mean, people will see them more calm, collected, cool. And if everything is taken care of for the boss, then you know, the employees and stuff are also going to have a really good time as well. So I mean, I’ve worked with a CEO here. I’m in Athens, Greece, and I helped this person get past a certain revenue in a month that they were in a certain cash flow as well that he we were working towards, and once he got past that apt to be honest, I’ve been working with him for a while. He never mentioned it again. It’s almost like it’s been forgotten, because he’s like, Oh, well, I got the ball rolling on some new stuff. So they start focusing on new things instead. And this is what’s really cool. Once they get asked that. However, I think the thing is, we don’t want to see it as like resistance. I can, oh, it’s so difficult to do this, when it’s like, we just need to expand a little instead. I like
Luis Scott 15:28
that, because I think that a lot of times we view everything as an obstacle as a barrier as a challenge. And that within itself has some negative connotation, right? It’s like, when you talk about the negative resistance, if I if I see my revenue threshold as a barrier, well, what are the what are the things that are keeping it as a barrier? What’s resisting me and then and then we go down this rabbit hole, instead of saying, it’s not a barrier, it’s just like, we need to figure out how to expand our capabilities to actually reach more. Now, for the person out there who is struggling with this negative belief pattern? is hypnosis the only way to really overcome this? Or have you found that there are a multitude of ways, but hypnosis is the way that you train people to do it. So
Alex Morgan 16:10
there’s, I mean, in my opinion, there’s tons of ways to do different things. I mean, myself, I’ve been to different coaches, for different things I’ve been to psychologists, I’ve done all kinds of stuff, you know, way back, when I used to do affirmations and all this, I don’t necessarily do that anymore. However, I mean, even just doing personal development and taking courses or reading a book, and you find that little thing in a book that has you thinking differently, I mean, that could do something as well, I just found that hypnosis because we specifically get right into the unconscious mind that it creates results that last. So essentially, that’s what I’m after, I don’t want to just get rid of a problem. For now, I want to get rid of a problem forever that I could have had for decades. And I want to do it with the least amount of effort as possible. And I believe that when you’re working with the mind, if you put the effort into your mind, it’s going to make things in your outer reality see more automatic, natural, easy, and effortless. So yes, many ways. However, my preferred way. I’m biased, of course, I’m training hypnosis, and I teach it is this. But I mean, that’s just what I think with my experiences. And what I’ve seen clients do. Well, what
Luis Scott 17:30
I’m hearing you say really, is that hypnosis allows for a quicker process, a deeper process, and a more long, longer lasting process, right. So like, if you want to get it done quickly, deeply, and for it to last a long time, then your preferred way is, you know, the hypnosis route. But before we get into kind of what that process looks like, you talked about affirmations, you talked about reading books, and I know that there are people out there who are like, you don’t have to read just take action, you’ll overcome everything in your life. But somebody who works in this field, is there true to just take action? And you’re going to be fine? Or are there really mental blocks that action doesn’t cure? Like what have you found to be the case? Well,
Alex Morgan 18:13
there’s anytime I’m working with someone, I, I tell them when I’m working with them, there’s three things that you need to do to change, you need to get rid of negative emotions, you need to take actions. And then you also need to be very, very careful once you know this information, what suggestions and everything that you’re taking in and who you’re giving your energy to. And all these things. So you need to give your mind repetition of all the good habits. So if one of those good habits for you is learning and reading, I mean, do it. Yes, you can just take action. I personally like to read and write books. So for me, it’s fun, because I think every book, like comes to you at a certain point in life. And you’re like, Wow, this is why I need to think like this. Now. So there’s multiple things involved taking action is just as if you’re taking action, but if you don’t, you don’t really believe in what you’re doing. Or you have negative emotions still, you’re just going to keep butting your head on the top of that box. And you’re going to just end up getting frustrated, you took action, but it’s going to be much slower to get what you want. So I think you need to take the right actions and put the right amount of effort in the right places. Action is great. However, it takes the right ones it’s like just in business, for example, the people listening like you need to do things that produce income or you’re the best at if you’re not the best at something then you hire people on your team to do those things that you’re not best at. You can’t just randomly take action to make sure you’re doing the right ones. I think it’s a key there too.
Luis Scott 19:50
Yeah, I think one of the one of the frustrating things with the people who are just like take action, you don’t have to read a book, you’d have to do anything. And these are people that have high belief about what they’re doing. So like obviously Taking action is the cure all because they already believed. But if you have somebody who doesn’t believe back to the worthiness or their value, or they can actually overcome, it’s much harder for that action to be meaningful and fruitful. And so I’m glad that you clarified that because I do think that taking action does cure things, but you have to believe because if you don’t believe you’ll be the person just bumping up against the ceiling. Now, talk to me about the hypnosis process. A person wants to do this. Because when I think about hypnosis, I always think about a comedy routine. Right? I know, you’re laughing because you know what I’m talking when you go to a comedy routine, hypnosis comes out. They they put you under a trance. And then when every time they say the word duck, you jump on one leg. And and that’s what I think about when I think about hypnosis, but talk to us about the profession, and how this process works. When it when it comes to this, this training, yes,
Alex Morgan 20:59
so if I’m working with a client, we need to have a good understanding of how they do the problem. A lot of people they want to talk about what their problem is, that’s great. The thing is, is most people, they have very similar problems, people are anxious people have stressed people have bad habits, I want to specifically know like, how do they do this problem in their head. And we need to know the details. Because the way they’re doing it in their head is not allowing them to like exit the loop, it’s like being on the freeway of never getting off at the exit, they just keep going and going and going, and they can’t stop. So if we can find out how they do it and set up a new strategy, we basically call it a strategy that can then be a new set of steps to get them to what they actually want. So the first thing we need to do is understand how they do the problem in their head. And then usually I work with them to get rid of all the beliefs that aren’t serving them, the negative emotions, all of these things. And then we you know, if any, if there’s any other cleanup needed, we’ll do. You know, however many hypnosis it takes Yes, you can make changes very fast. However, it’s very important to also there’s many benefits of hypnosis, I do it myself, too. At this point, if I have a problem, I will use it. Yes. However, I use it many times to get better sleep, feel good. communicate with people better. So it can also help with all of these things. But the first step is to, you know, we talk, I ask questions, I figure out how they do that. The problem, what’s involved, you know, are there other people involved that are causing this? What’s going on? And then we work to get rid of all the stuff that they don’t need, and then move on to Hey, what is it that they want? What can they actually achieve now that this problem is gone? When
Luis Scott 22:53
you say that you want to know how they do the problem? What does what does that mean? Exactly?
Alex Morgan 22:58
That’s a really good question. I guess I probably should have expanded. So a lot of people, let’s say that we’re all going to, I’m going to go to the store and buy something. Now if I’m going to go to the store and buy something, chances are I’m going to see it first, then I’m going to check some sort of criteria like what’s the price? What’s, you know, the color of the, let’s see, I’m playing a nice shirt or suit or something? What’s the color? What’s the materials, all these? And then I’m going to probably want to feel it and do something kinesthetic, as we say. So we’re talking about how they do the problem. We’re looking at, like, what, what do they hear? What do they see? What do they feel? What are they saying to themselves, and then we set up some new steps to put a new strategy in them that has maybe a different picture. So let’s say someone wants to be motivated. Most people, or a lot of people, they’re motivated away from something. So they’re going away from poverty instead of towards money. Now, if we really want to motivate someone, we need to have a really good feeling of motivation, and a really clear visual representation of what it’s going to look like for them to actually want to achieve it. So that’s what I mean by how like, is it a picture? Is it a sound, because there’s only six things we do in our head, we visualize, we hear we feel, we taste we smell and we talk to ourselves. So we just need to use three or four those create some new steps, which we call a strategy that will get us what we want consistently. That’s the best part. Once we have the strategy, we can get predictable results Why leave success up to chance we can do it in a predictable way.
Luis Scott 24:39
I love the word predictability. That’s what I teach my clients like there’s nothing there’s nothing that gives you more peace of mind than some some level of predictability in your business. When you’re talking about the six ways that your mind I guess works and you know, the visualize and so forth. Let’s suppose that I have a money mindset issue and I believe money it’s hard to get I believe and when I think about money being hard to get I think about, or I feel the pain of working, and I feel the anxiety of having to do more and the stress of never feeling like you’re working enough, you know, there’s things that I have said to myself in the past, like, I only work at 70% of my cap capacity. Like, I’m like beating myself up because I don’t work. How do you change that mental picture? In your mind? Like, like, do you? Do you start looking at people who are relaxing on the beach? Do you start? In the middle of the day, you just take off an hour, and you force yourself to go to the gym instead of working? Like, how do you how do you change that?
Alex Morgan 25:45
Well, as I was listening to you there, there was a few words that you said that stuck out. So you mentioned pain, you mentioned stress, you mentioned anxiety. So if I was working with someone, and they had this problem with money, and they were mentioning these words, I would probably work with them on these things as well. Because if we can get rid of those, then naturally the picture is going to change. Now, the beach, if someone’s favorite place like is the beach, and if they could imagine that, and you know, that would get them the money. Fantastic. For other people, we all have our unconscious mind is very symbolic. So it’s constantly giving us stories and metaphors and things to go with. So maybe for someone else, like they’re scared of the water, they don’t like the beach. So we would never, we would never put them there. Of course. So for every single person, it’s going to be something different. However, I’m always like listening in between the lines, kind of how you explain the air and and be like, Ah, so they have a problem with money. But they also have anxiety, this, this, all these things, which essentially means they have some sort of underlying fear, as well. Most people when they get rid of fear, it can also let a bunch of anxiety go. So they’re probably scared of something a lot of problems are rooted in fear, as well. So they suffer anxiety, I would suggest, you know, fear. And then once you get rid of that fear, yeah, that pictures in your mind are not going to be run by fear anymore. They’re going to be run by whatever words that person wants to put in there.
Luis Scott 27:25
That’s a powerful stuff. I’m telling you, I love this mindset stuff. I believe in it. And I believe that, that overcoming all these things, in your mind is an absolute game changer in your life. And that’s why I wanted to have you on if anybody wanted to get in touch with you, and maybe work with you to unlock some of these things or to have a conversation, how would they get in touch with you.
Alex Morgan 27:47
So there’s a couple ways they could go to my website, Athensnlp.com So I live in Athens, Greece right now. So that’s why it’s Athensnlp.com They can also just shoot me an email Alex@Athensnlp.com. And they can find me on Instagram at @AlexMorganhypnosis. So that’s probably the three easiest ways and you know, either if someone likes us, Instagram, message me there if you’d like to, you know, send emails and send me an email if you’d like to, you know, find information on a website, go to the website, and we can set up a call to chat and see how it can help. That’s what it’s all about helping people. Absolutely.
Luis Scott 28:29
Well, thank you again, you be listening to Alex Morgan, author and certified hypnosis trainer who just guided us through the process of improving your mind, because that’s going to unlock all the barriers or I should say they’re not barriers anymore. It’s going to help us expand our goals, expand our territory, expand our boundaries so that we can achieve more. Alex, thanks again for being on the show. And you’ve been listening to The Guts and Glory Show.
Outro 28:54
You’ve been listening to The Guts and Glory Show for more. And to learn more about Luis hit the website at LuisScottjr.com. For consulting opportunities, hit 8figurefirm.com. That’s the number 8figurefirm.com We hope you’ve enjoyed the show. Make sure to like rate and review and we’ll see you next time on The Guts and Glory Show